New post over on Japan Pulse about the “Witch Girl” phenomenon that briefly jumped up into the top of the keyword searches on Google and goo this past Thursday. I have to give props to my editor Mark who pointed out the phenomenon to me. When I sat down to write the post on Thursday night, I watched one of the Mixi groups double in size over the course of an hour. Buzzter, a Japanese Twitter amalgamator site, clearly shows the extent of the buzz on Thursday:
The Twitter-verse seemed nonplussed. I screen-grabbed a couple of the funniest tweets I could find:

So Witch Girls come after Forest Girls? It's like the next new single, right? But who would want to be called a Witch Girl?
Man I love japanese tweets.
Haha, quick, now we have to find the next type of 何とかガール so we can market it. I think Japan more so than a lot of countries is about the next big thing. It would be awesome to work for a think tank in a big company deciding the path of Japan’s popular fashion industry. I can’t remember the exact details at the moment, but there was a store opening in 代官山, I think the name is “it’s fashion” or something along those lines, and on their window there was a text in Japanese that said something along the lines of, “We are opening this store in pursuit of leading Japan’s fashion in the right direction.” I was kind of surprised to read such a direct message coming from what I think is a Japanese company. But in the end I think that’s truly what it’s gotten down to, all over the world pushing a certain style forward and hoping it catches. Luckily for these companies Japan is quick to bite and changes styles often.
Anyway, I enjoyed the article on Japan Pulse, I wonder if 魔女ガール is going to look anything like the American Wiccan girls.
So now the Japanese use “w” to represent laughing?
sam – Ha, wiccan girls. Not sure what they look like, but it will be interesting to watch. If anything, I bet the 魔女ガール end up looking like Kiki from Kiki’s Delivery Service. They often cite her as someone they want to be like.
J – They use w because it’s faster than typing out all of 笑う, which is “warau” when you type it. So basically it’s the Japanese lol.
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I noticed you elegantly skirted around the Touhou reference in your third image there: 「魔理沙の事?」 :V
Dan – Thanks! I had no idea who Marisa was and must’ve been too lazy to Google it! That clears things up…