How to Japanese Podcast S01E03 – Brian MacDuckston

You can find Brian MacDuckston of Ramen Adventures crushing bowls of ramen on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and now you can find him on the How to Japanese Podcast:

  • How was your trip to Hokkaido? How is Hokkaido different from the rest of Japan?
  • How long have you been in Japan and what have you done so far?
  • How much time are you doing ramen/journalism work versus English teaching?
  • What strategies would you recommend to diversify your income as an English conversation teacher?
  • What is it like teaching private students?
  • The Collabo-Ramen videos were great!
  • How has ramen changed in the last nine years? What trends are you seeing? Is ramen a trend-driven industry?
  • Why are Japanese so obsessed with/interested in food?
  • When did you start studying Japanese and what strategies have been helpful?
  • What ramen vocabulary has been helpful for you?
  • Mapple maps were amazing, and are sadly now not necessary because of smartphones
  • What has it been like being a creator in Japan?
  • When did you start to feel Ramen Adventures taking off?

At the top of the pod, I talk about set phrases used for condolences, which I wrote about in the Japan Times back in April 2016. Here is he set of telegram phrases I found, some usage recommendations for telegrams from a digital telegram service, and the cost breakdown for messages from NTT.

You can also subscribe to the How to Japanese Podcast on AppleGoogle, or Spotify.

2 thoughts on “How to Japanese Podcast S01E03 – Brian MacDuckston

  1. Daniel, I’ve been listening to your podcast during my lunch walks and just wanted to say thank you and that I’m loving it. I am finishing my master’s degree this semester and learning about everyone’s varied professional paths is alleviating a lot of my existential anxiety. :)

  2. Thanks so much for the comment, Elena! It’s great to hear that this is helpful. Makes me want to keep up the work on Season 2, which I’m hoping to start soon.

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