号外 – One More 1Q84 Thought

I think Dimitry Kovalenin has a livejournal account? If so, that’s awesome. It looks like he might be doing the Russian translation of 1Q84? Also, a commenter on the entry found information in a database of proteins, or something, with the label 1Q84. Apparently the enzyme acetylcholinesterase is also related. This enzyme is active in synaptic transmission and is the target of certain nerve agents…namely sarin gas. Which would make me seriously re-think prediction 3 – maybe he’ll address the Aum attack rather than WWII. Hooray for Google Translations.

Yes, this is all super-otaku, but if you can’t find something in life worth getting crazy about, then you’re probably a really boring person.

Dimitry, if that’s you, I’m sorry about the kumozaru thing, heh.

One thought on “号外 – One More 1Q84 Thought

  1. Whoa, just got a comment from Dimitry Kovalenin, Murakami’s Russian translator, over at the blogsome site on this entry: That’s okay, I was not the only one guy who made that mistake. There also were similar wrong-goers in English. Let’s see how his 1Q84 will explode the world. If you want, you can try to translate what i wrote about the book in the Russian Wiki after I’ve finished reading it — http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/1Q84

    Dimitry, thanks for the comment!

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