号外 – Great Lakes Brewing Co. Blackout Stout

Style: Russian Imperial Stout
ABV: 9%
Grade: B+

Second to last beer. I knew that Drew is a huge fan of Imperial Stouts, so I was looking forward to this beer. Also, Great Lakes Brewing is based in Cleveland, Ohio, so I’m sure a lot of residents are swilling this at the moment to distract themselves from their NBA free agency woes.

Pours thick with a big creamy head – in my Yebisu taster it looks like Yebisu black, but it’s much, much thicker. All roast, chocolate and alcohol in the nose. No sign of hops at all. No hops readily apparent in the taste either. There’s a slight alcohol burn at the beginning, then the roastiness and finally a bit of sweetness at the end. Perhaps I’m mistaking a trace of hops for sweetness. Great example of the style – a beer that should be taken slowly, preferably in cold weather. Fortunately the air conditioning in New Orleans make it feel like an eternal autumn.

Check out Drew’s reviews of Japanese beers:

Yona Yona Ao-oni IPA
Takashi Imperial Stout
Sapporo Royce Chocolat Brewery
Fujizakura St Valentine’s Chocolate Wheat
Baird Beer Dark Sky Imperial Stout

One thought on “号外 – Great Lakes Brewing Co. Blackout Stout

  1. Hello,

    how much does one of this bottle costs? I would like to buy it. Is it from japan

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