University of New Orleans IELP Scholarship for 3.11 Disaster Victims 3.11被災者対象奨学金 – UPDATED

UPDATE: 2012.12.07. The scholarship recipient has been selected! The recipient is a resident of Iwate Prefecture and works at her parents’ ryokan, so learning English should be helpful for her in the future. Congrats!

Hey everyone. I’d like to take just a moment of your time to spread the word about a scholarship that the University of New Orleans Intensive English Language Program (IELP) will be offering for victims of the 3.11 disaster. The scholarship will cover most everything except for transportation. I personally know several of the teachers in this program, and they are fantastic people. If you know anyone who would be eligible for this, please do let them know. Anyone 18 and over affected by the disaster can apply (not just university students). Please share this widely!


―18歳以上の3.11被災者なら誰でも応募可能 (大学生でなくても可)。
―期間:1月10日―3月13日、または、 4月1-5月24日 (どちらか選択、いずれも8週間)
―アメリカでの学費(語学留学)、住居費、食費は 奨学金 ($4000)で大半カバーできるが、渡航費、学生ビザの申請に必要な費用は自費。

英語で300Words程度のエッセイを書いてもらうことになります (津波を経験して思ったことまた、どうして英語を勉強したいか)。

応募、質問は まで。